
Company UpdatesAug 16, 2019

AMP Employees Volunteer After Local Tragedy

The DeKalb-Sycamore community was rocked earlier this summer by a massive apartment fire that consumed an entire complex and displaced 120 people — for many of them causing a total loss of their worldly possessions.

The local Family Services Agency (FSA) organized a community donation drive for the displaced residents taking in several massive storage pods of items to help families rebuild. Moved by the tragedy, company HR Director Julyne Kenney reached out the FSA to find out how AMP employees could help.  Several employees took advantage of the company’s newly created VPTO policy and instead of spending their day helping AMP sales people and customers they assisted the effort to catalog and distribute items for needy families.

“I can think of no better reason to work hard spending the day outside in the heat!  Aside from AMP allowing us the opportunity to use this day as PTO, knowing we’ve made at least one thing easier in the lives of the victims affected by these fires is truly the big reward.” – Theresa Beld, AMP Sales Support Employee

AMP is so proud to have employees participating in this effort to assist families and unite the community to confront this tragic loss.

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American Marketing & Publishing