AMP Careers.

Our Mission

We are 350 hardworking individuals, helping tens of thousands of independent businesses to advertise effectively and inexpensively in their communities. When we work with a client, we have one goal: Make sure our customer wins the call whenever a local consumer has a need, and begins to search.


Our Benefits

AMP offers a comprehensive benefits package which includes medical, vision, dental, disability and life insurance coverages. The Benefit Overview included on this page is meant to provide you with a high level summary of your coverage options as well as helping you understand our policies around holiday and paid time off, smart hours, volunteer time off, and our 401(k) benefit program.

Our HR Team is just a phone call or email away ready to answer all your questions.

Call: 815-756-2840 Ext. 4755


Medical Insurance

We offer 3 different coverage options through BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois, the largest and most experienced healthcare company in the state. Each plan includes a vision and telemedicine plan.

Dental Insurance

We offer coverage through Delta Dental with both PPO and Premier networks.



Retirement Savings Program

We are proud to offer a 401(k) retirement savings program through Fidelity. The company plans a year end match based on overall performance.

PTO & VPTO Programs

Employees begin earning 10 hours of Paid Time Off (PTO) each month starting on their date of hire which can be used after the first 90 days of employment. With the AMP Volunteer Time Off Program (VPTO), employees can dedicate 8 hours of AMP paid time annually to a charitable or non-profit organization.

Holiday Pay

We offer 9 paid holidays including a Floating Holiday, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

Short Term & Long Term Disability

We offer short term and long term disability coverage through Guardian.

Success Stories


Christy Moore, Sales HR Director

“Hello! I’m Christy Moore from Rockford, IL. I graduated from the University of Illinois with a BS in Marketing & Sales and a minor in Political Science. Thinking I wanted to go to law school, my sales professor convinced me otherwise, and my sales career began! I soon found myself working downtown Chicago…

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Christy Moore, Sales HR Director


Veronica Quezada, OPTIMA™ Verification Manager

“I started at AMP in May of 2018. I was 20 years old, had just left my retail job of 3 years, was bouncing around customer service jobs, and did not know what I wanted to do in my life. My girlfriend, now Fiancé, Natalie, was working here and told me how much she loved the company, atmosphere, and what she did…

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 Veronica Quezada, OPTIMA™ Verification Manager


Raphael Weaver, Digital District Manager

“I’ve worked in advertising sales for over 20 years, including TV advertising sales, radio advertising sales, and I worked for one of AMP’s competitors for several years. For a couple of years prior to joining the AMP family, I was running my own small media buying service and that’s when a recruiter from AMP contacted me about an open sales position…

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Raphael Weaver, Digital District Manager


Stephanie Molitor, Inside Sales OPTIMA™ Support Specialist Manager

“I started my career with AMP back in July of 2021, right after graduating from DePaul University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, specifically Management and Marketing. I started at AMP shortly after graduating in August! Before joining AMP, I gained valuable experience through two significant roles. Firstly, I worked as a Marketing Intern…

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Stephanie Molitor, Inside Sales OPTIMA™ Support Specialist Manager


Alex Hogan, Digital Recruiting Team Manager

“I began my career here in October of 2013. I was attending Northern Illinois University and my college roommate was working at AMP part-time on our Sales Support Team. AMP had recently opened up a newly created role under the management of Tiffany Mills and my roommate had mentioned she thought I could be a good fit for the Digital Sales Support Role…

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Alex Hogan, Digital Recruiting Team Manager


Christy Moore, Sales HR Director

Hello! I’m Christy Moore from Rockford, IL. I graduated from the University of Illinois with a BS in Marketing & Sales and a minor in Political Science. Thinking I wanted to go to law school, my sales professor convinced me otherwise, and my sales career began! I soon found myself working downtown Chicago for the SBC/Ameritech/Dex Yellow Pages. I loved meeting with all the business owners and growing in my sales career. This is also where I met my husband, we were on the same yellow pages advertising sales team and our cubicles were right across from each other! It wouldn’t be for a couple years though before we officially told people we were dating…he may have been my hardest, and best, sale!

I consistently ranked at the top of the sales charts, earning 3 promotions in outside sales, and then was promoted to be an Inside Sales Manager after three years. This is where I really started to find my calling, I loved training and teaching new sales reps to work to their fullest potential. During my training to be an Inside Sales Manager, I met Chad Campbell there. He was always there working late and I remember even back then, learning so much from him. My Inside Sales team rocked it and I was promoted to be an Outside Sales Manager.

I remember in June of 2007 telling my dad, “My life is perfect! I have a career that I love and I am getting married in October!” Not even two months later on August 15th, 2007 I got news that completely changed my perspective on life. I was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in the Blast Crisis Phase. I was immediately admitted to the hospital and the doctor told me there was a good chance I wouldn’t be able to go through with my wedding as planned.

The emotions that ran through me were overwhelming, but I decided to fight, and do it in the only way I knew how, with a positive attitude! My family was suffering more than I was and I wanted to be there to reassure them I was going to come out on the other side! The amazing team at Northwestern was able to get my cancer in remission for me to be able to go through with our wedding. It was even more special because of everything we had all been through and in my dad’s toast he said, “Pie (that’s what he calls me), I remember that beautiful June day when you told me your life was perfect. Well God had other plans. He wasn’t done with you yet!”

After our wedding I still had to have a stem cell transplant which the doctors said would leave me unable to have children. They said I was lucky that we still had time to do one round of IVF and freeze the embryos to use when we were ready. So of course, that’s what we did. Fast forward 2 years when I was finally cancer free and feeling back to me, Greg and I decided it was time to use the embryos, except I couldn’t carry them. My cousin and her husband offered to carry our baby for us which was the most incredible news. We transferred two embryos to my cousin and she became pregnant with our son Mike, who is now 9 years old!

At this time Greg and I realized how much family meant to us and wanted to move back to my hometown of Rockford, IL to be closer to family. American Marketing & Publishing made that move possible by offering me the District Manager position for Northwest Illinois. BUT, Chad Campbell said, “You’ve got to start as a sales rep, it’s what every leader in our business has done.” I wouldn’t have it any other way and sold through my first HomePages Book in Winnebago/Pecatonica, IL. It was so AWESOME! I absolutely loved everything about AMP, our product, our customers and most of all the other amazing people I got to work with. When I took over as the District Manager, we created an incredible team and we went on to win District of the Year! Our very own Ashley Fawkes was a key part of that team! This earned me another promotion to be our Vice President of Northern Illinois Sales joining two other known names who were also promoted to executive roles: Melinda Huza and Brian Franczak. To add to that timeline, Luke Wasowski had just started as a sales rep.

At this same time, Greg and I decided it was time to try and use the other embryos we had frozen to have a second child. Our sister-in-law, Greg’s brother’s wife, called us to say she would love to carry a child for us, just as my cousin had done. We were speechless, but of course said yes. This time around though, we weren’t as successful. In fact, after three attempts trying with the rest of our 7 embryos, there was no pregnancy. I felt like this was God working again in my life telling me it was time to focus on my family. It is one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make, but I told Chad and Abe it was time for me to leave AMP after an incredible 5 years together.

During my time away I became President of our Junior League of Rockford, a volunteer organization dedicated to improving local communities and developing the leadership potential of women. I also Co-Chaired the parent organization at my son’s school, joined the Ladies 18 Holers at our club, fell in love with Pilates, and built a direct sales business in essential oils traveling all over the United States to Washington, Idaho, California, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, New York, West Virginia, North and South Carolina and Florida. Needless to say, I didn’t really slow down. It’s not in my DNA so when Abe reached out to me a couple months ago with the opportunity to once again join AMP, I was humbled and honored and couldn’t have started back fast enough!

Although the people remain the same, just as amazing as I remembered, the company is a whole new company! Google Street View, OPTIMA, Text Marketing, Video…all the tools a small business owner needs in today’s environment to compete and grow their business. We are selling the best products at the best prices and it is time for us to live up to our name AMERICAN Marketing & Publishing! Let’s grow together!

On Christy’s career at AMP, Chad Campbell, CRO, said:

“We are positively elated to welcome Christy Moore back to AMP! She was a huge part of our business for five plus years and she’ll be a huge part of our business for many more. Christy possesses an abundance of two qualities that play well no matter what you do in life: a great work ethic and endless enthusiasm. She’ll be an exceptional partner to everyone at AMP.”

Christy Moore, Sales HR Director


Veronica Quezada, OPTIMA™ Verification Manager

I started at AMP in May of 2018. I was 20 years old, had just left my retail job of 3 years, was bouncing around customer service jobs, and did not know what I wanted to do in my life. My girlfriend, now Fiancé, Natalie, was working here and told me how much she loved the company, atmosphere, and what she did. She let me know there was an opening in the OPTIMA™ department, so I quickly applied. At first, I thought the job might be just a stepping stone to me figuring out what I wanted to do moving forward.

I started as a very shy and quiet detailer under Melissa Dmytriw. A few months later, I learned things like review links and Google posts for our OPTIMA™ customers. After about six months, I wanted more. I expressed interest in the Verification role and after a shadow of the role, I became a Verification Specialist. I started to slowly open up more in the new position and learn what I really liked to do. Working directly with small business owners and helping them get set up online made me feel proud in the work I was doing. I felt that I had a direct impact in helping these small businesses grow. After about nine months though, I found myself wanting to take on more within the department.
Now under Chelsea Jolly, I was offered Verification Trainer in September of 2019. This was done by reaching my goals consistently and accurately, and continuing to ask to learn more within the department. While still helping small businesses get setup online, I was now also training new hires, and doing follow up trainings on current Verification Specialists. This helped me start to really break out of my shell at AMP. I started to find my voice, and was not afraid to bring my thoughts and ideas to the table.

Four months later, my name was called out as OPTIMA™ Verification Employee of the Year at the company meeting. I walked on stage and was standing with the best of the best in the corporate office. Abe clicks on the next slide of who had won AMP Employee of the Year and without it registering that my name was said, I started to clap, and went to look at who was on the screen. It was me. In complete shock, I looked at Natalie and said “We’re going to Cancun!” I remember looking around at all of the people on stage thinking that any one of them deserved the award and trip for all of the great work they do. I was not expecting my name to be called, but when I finally realized it was me, I was surprised. Then, to hear all of the things my coworkers had to say about me was a great feeling. I felt like I was making a difference with my job. Winning Employee of the Year really motivated me to continue to do my job to the best of my ability and to want to keep growing.

Two months later though, we were hit with COVID and I had to learn to not only do my job, but also continue to help the people on my team remotely. It seemed challenging at times, but we figured out ways to make it work. Fast forward four months and I was back in the office ready to train new people in Verification.

Then that next summer, I once again expressed to my manager that I wanted to keep growing. This started my growth path to Team Lead. I was given a couple of projects and new day to day tasks to learn, and in October 2021, I was promoted to Verification Coordinator. The growth path did not end there though. I had weekly meetings with my manager, was given “homework”, and more and more was being added to my plate, while still training new hires, as well as follow up training to current members of the team.

Six months later, after the sometimes long articles, weekly meetings, and endless conversations with my partner about where I wanted to be at AMP, I was promoted to Team Lead. What I used to think was the finish line for me, is only the beginning.

Throughout my time at AMP, I have grown not only professionally, but personally as well. I am now in my 5th role here. My mom and grandma were able to join Natalie and myself in Cancun last year on the company trip. I was given the Clippered Award, and other types of recognition for verification goals. As someone who did not speak to anyone my first few months here, I have become a much better and more confident speaker and communicator, leading monthly team meetings and being a main point person for anything OPTIMA™ Verification. With all of that though, there is still a ton left for me to learn and take on at AMP.

 Veronica Quezada, OPTIMA™ Verification Manager


Raphael Weaver, Digital District Manager

I’ve worked in advertising sales for over 20 years, including TV advertising sales, radio advertising sales, and I worked for one of AMP’s competitors for several years. For a couple of years prior to joining the AMP family, I was running my own small media buying service and that’s when a recruiter from AMP contacted me about an open sales position. I remember receiving the HomePages® in the mailbox at my home for years and I always kept it because I’ve always preferred to support local businesses in my community and the HomePages® featured local businesses in their Tinley Park book.

I spoke with the recruiter and she scheduled me for an interview with District Manager Luke Wasowski, who is now the Vice President of Sales for the Central Region West. Luke was so impressive to me. He told me about how he got started in the business and shared his path into leadership. I remember him telling me that AMP was a fast growing company with no glass ceiling and real opportunities for growth within the company.

That proved to be true — many companies talk about growth and leadership opportunities, but they never come to fruition. I was promoted 3 times in my 1st year with AMP. 1st promotion was Senior Sales Representative, 2nd promotion was digital closer and the 3rd promotion was to Digital District Manager. I love working for AMP because it feels like you’re a family member of a family owned business. We are a fast growing company and our CEO’s goal is to be a nationwide sales organization in the near future and we are all a major part of that growth. If you have a great work ethic, positive attitude and follow the AMP fundamentals which include investing in yourself and continuing to learn, you will be successful in this business. This is a career home, not just a job. Each year everyone has a chance to earn the Distinguished President’s Achievement Award, which is an all-expenses paid trip for 2 to a tropical destination.

Some of my most proud accomplishments here with AMP have been District Manager of the year in 2020, Field General Award 2020 and 2021, and 3 time President’s Achievement Award Winner. It is extremely rewarding to me to see my teammates get promoted into leadership roles and see their earnings increase substantially.

Brian Franczak, Vice President of the Central Region East, and Luke Wasowski, Vice President of the Central Region West, are my mentors in the business. I admire these two individuals because they are incredibly successful leaders in the business, but what I admire the most is their humility and genuine care for the people that they lead. I remember Brian Franczak telling me early on in my career, that your future is extremely bright, and I’m taking you up into leadership with me. That stood out to me then and it warms my heart when I think about it. I love the mantra here at AMP, you hear it every day that our leaders work for the salespeople, not the other way around.

What motivates me is my WHY, which is my family and I want to set an example for them. I want them to see that hard work, discipline and dedication pays off. My favorite part of my job is when my teammates grow, get better and experience success in the business.

My advice to anyone looking to grow to their career is to first make the commitment to yourself that you are going to be successful. You must have a great work ethic, an open mind to learning and constantly studying to perfect your craft, a positive attitude and stick-to-it-iveness. We do good, meaningful work here at AMP, we have the best products in the industry that help local small businesses grow and get more customers. That’s meaningful and fulfilling work!

Raphael Weaver, Digital District Manager


Stephanie Molitor, Inside Sales OPTIMA™ Support Specialist Manager

I started my career with AMP back in July of 2021, right after graduating from DePaul University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, specifically Management and Marketing. I started at AMP shortly after graduating in August!

Before joining AMP, I gained valuable experience through two significant roles. Firstly, I worked as a Marketing Intern at Brite Bites, where I was responsible for planning and designing advertisements, promoting brand awareness, and revamping marketing techniques. Secondly, I worked as a Marketing Assistant at the nonprofit organization, Hamilton Wings, where I assisted in the fundraising process to strategically strengthen donations.

Upon joining AMP, I initially started as an Associate Account Manager. Two weeks later, I transitioned to the role of Account Manger Support Specialist (AMSS). In this role, it was my job to work closely with our First Year Accounts, with a primary goal of ensuring a high first-year renewal rate. As the initial contact for our new business owners, I understood the significance of making a positive first impression! I thoroughly explained our OPTIMA™ program and worked to establish trust with our customers. This approach led to numerous accounts upsells to our best programs, which would ultimately help these businesses improve their online visibility and SEO. My daily responsibilities included 70+ outreaches per day to check in to make sure hours were correct, Facebook posts were completed, and services and products were up to date. I also come up with creative marketing ideas to increase reviews, ranking, and promotions.

As an AMSS, I learned how to successfully connect with small business owners on a personal and professional level. In December of 2021, I transitioned into the role of Account Executive, where I worked closely with our longer standing accounts to continue growing those relationships. In January 2022, I then became an Account Manager. Just a few months later, in April, I was promoted to the role of Senior Account Manager, which brought on more responsibilities within AMP. These included training Associate Account Managers and Account Manager Support Specialist on how to convey the value of our programs!

Fast forward to February of 2023, I was promoted to Inside Sales OPTIMA™ Support Specialist Manager. This marked an exciting phase as we initiated a brand new AMSS team. I am extremely grateful to be part of this team, and I now oversee a new department of AMP! Our team is growing rapidly, and I love being part of a company that is evolving and driven by results – it’s exactly what I’m all about!

Stephanie Molitor, Inside Sales OPTIMA™ Support Specialist Manager


Alex Hogan, Digital Recruiting Team Manager

I began my career here in October of 2013. I was attending Northern Illinois University and my college roommate was working at AMP part-time on our Sales Support Team. AMP had recently opened up a newly created role under the management of Tiffany Mills and my roommate had mentioned she thought I could be a good fit for the Digital Sales Support Role. I had spent just about a year working part-time through college with AMP, and I knew from day 1 that AMP was a place I would be able to call home. After graduating from college, I ended up interviewing for another newly created role on the hiring team as a Recruiting Support Specialist. Recruiting is something I had never thought about pursing as a career. I remember when I was working part-time with AMP, I loved the culture and mission of AMP. I interviewed with Ashley Fawkes and accepted the position on the spot! After a few short months I was promoted to a Recruiting Coordinator, a few months later to a Hiring Manager, then to a Senior Hiring Manager and most recently have been promoted to our Digital Recruiting Team Manager.  AMP has been nothing short of amazing. When I had joined the company, I had no experience in the industry. I remember thinking to myself, “I am a hardworking, I am willing to be a sponge and I want to learn everything I can.” I did just that! I am someone who is always wanting to learn, always wanting to grow, and never getting comfortable.

I am a 4 time Hiring Manager of the Year, 4 time President’s Achievement Award Winner, and 6 time Business Builder Award Winner which is recognized for bringing in over $750,000 in Rookie Revenue annually. In my current role, I continue to bring in great talent to the organization. In addition, I work with individuals on my team to bring in talent and help change people’s and small business owners’ lives each and every day.

I love that AMP is consistently recognizing individuals in the company. I remember the first time I had won the Hiring Manager of the Year Award and had the privilege to walk across the stage at our all-company annual meeting. It was one of the best feelings — the sense of accomplishment that I felt after hearing my name and being able to walk across that stage felt amazing. It was a memory and feeling that I will hold onto forever.

One of my favorite things about AMP is that we never settle. AMP never gets comfortable and always continues to grow. The positive work culture and amazing leaders in the business are people that have become family. There is not anyone in the company that would not go above and beyond to help you if needed. They are constantly pushing positivity and make coming to work everyday fun!

My family is what motivates me. I had a 4 year old son named Tanner and a 2 year old little girl named Reese. We enjoy spending time in Florida and boating in Wisconsin. All things outdoors! One of my favorite things about AMP is the ability to be able to control my income. What gets me up each day is knowing that every single day I get to make an impact on people’s lives. AMP has provided me the ability to have a successful working career but not feel as if I need to miss out on all the important things in life at home!

If I could give any advice to new employees: Be willing to learn! AMP provides the absolute best training and development, and has some of the greatest mentors who are here to help. Follow the system and be open! Don’t be afraid to fail and most importantly allow yourself to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Alex Hogan, Digital Recruiting Team Manager

Join our team in any of 19 States

Join our team in any of 19 States

Open Positions

Social Media Specialist

Account Manager Support Specialist

Digital Outside Sales – Ohio

Digital Outside Sales – Georgia

Inside Sales Executive (Remote)

Digital Outside Sales – Iowa

Digital Outside Sales – Illinois

Digital Outside Sales – Indiana

Digital Outside Sales – Kentucky

Digital Outside Sales – Michigan

Digital Outside Sales – Tennessee

Digital Outside Sales – Florida

Digital Outside Sales – Wisconsin

Digital Outside Sales – Virginia

Bilingual Account Manager

Sales Recruiter — Remote

Digital Marketing Inside Sales

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