
Career SuccessJan 21, 2020

AMP IT Employee of the Year

Congratulations to Hannah Bartoszek on being selected as the 2019 IT Employee of the Year!


There’s a saying in IT – “Nothing works around here, what do we pay you for?” And, on the other side of that “Everything works fine around here, what do pay you for?”

Hannah and I started at AMP about the same time.  When we got here, the Help Desk was kind of a mess. (Let me clarify… I’m only talking about the Help Desk.  Not the rest of IT or R&D) I bring this up a lot, but on day one, there were 250 tickets in the queue.  Today, we’re under 50. (which is high for us… we like to be under 30)

Hannah is a joy to work with. She is easy to talk to and approachable when I have questions… of which I have a lot. She has quickly become the go to with any issue relating to ZoHo, the Sales Class and many, many,…many of our back end services. In a years time she has been promoted to Tier 2, a position that was vacant for 6 months, has become a point of escalation on the Help Desk for tickets that were outside of her job description as a Tier 1 and has taken on support for much of our reporting needs. Our Help Desk is running smoother right now than I believe it ever has at AMP and that is much because of Hannah

Congratulations Hannah on your well-deserved award! 

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American Marketing & Publishing