Congratulations to our Dev Ops Employee of the Year, Ryan Tangeman!
In his growth to leadership, Ryan has stepped up to be a strong mentor to our Junior Development team all while creating many tools the team uses daily! Ryan has also been a solid voice in the deployment process, a process that has to follow sound processes to ensure stability while pushing out new items every few weeks. He offers suggestions and solutions while continuing to think forward in our ever-growing environment, and has quickly become one of our go-to developers for questions that have a theme of “What is Possible”. He is realistic in his approach and timelines which is always appreciated by the Project Management team, because they are able to hit goals when expected. His easy explanation behind the “Whys” of AMP’s best practices continue to drive the success of the Junior Development team and their achievements.
Ryan’s teammates had this to say:
“Ryan should be IT Employee of the Year because of the improvements in his leadership and mentoring skills throughout this year. He is a key asset to the development of the AMP Products.”
Another teammate shared:
“Ryan really grew this year. His communication with the Junior Developers and Project Managers improved and spent so much time coaching and mentoring than he ever had before.”
Ryan is a dedicated developer and a deeply involved mentor to his team, it’s faster to count the amount of projects he hasn’t been apart of than those that he has! Recently he even suggested further growth opportunities for his team to ensure that his team continues moving forward and evolving!