What do an eye clinic, appliance repair, pest control, HVAC, Insurance, Contractor, a septic company all have in common? Remarkable results from ads placed in a HomePages® Directory in 2018. If your phone number is not in the HomePages® you are MISSING OUT on a reliable stream of calls from good local customers who trust the area’s most popular hometown phone book.
In just 27 weeks these customers received thousands of calls from a number published exclusively in the HomePages® Directories. A metered call line measures calls to a number that only exists in one form of media and nowhere else in the universe — in this case the local HomePages® Directory. Each time a metered call line is dialed the call is logged and instantly forwarded to the advertiser. The date, time, length of call, Caller ID, and answer status is recorded by Call Measurement, a third party research firm. The HomePages® stay relevant as other phone books disappear because they are local, convenient, and deliver real ROI for our customers.