OPTIMA™ Training Day Preparation Assignment

"*" indicates required fields

Training Date*

Mental Preparation

1. Review the OPTIMA™ Script prior to the training day.
2. Check out our OPTIMA™ Template Gallery for some great examples of Testimonial websites. Bookmark a Platinum and Premium Testimonial website on your iPad.
List your favorite examples from the OPTIMA™ Template Gallery*
Hint: Use the "+" button to add a new list item.

Planning Preparation

30 Sales Plans prepared for the day. 20 should be new prospects that have never been called on.
Use questions from the OPTIMA™ Assessment Form to evaluate how these customers can benefit from OPTIMA™.
Identify 10 fresh businesses from 5 different categorical searches on Google/Bing/Yelp that we can lead into with OPTIMA™.*
Hint: Use the "+" button to add a new list item.
Business Name
Category Search
Identify 5 home-based businesses that do not have a storefront presence but have a great opportunity to improve online with OPTIMA™. Pinpoint 3 that do not have a website.*
Hint: Use the "+" button to add a new list item.
Business Name
Has a Website?
Identify 5 already sold GSV customers who we can go back to sell OPTIMA™.*
To evaluate these customers, use the OPTIMA™ Assessment form or questions such as, "How does this customer rank via their category on Yelp? Google?" "How may positive reviews do they have?"
Business Name
How can OPTIMA™ help?

Trainee Focus for the Day