
PromotionsAug 29, 2023

Brooke Agee Promoted to Mentorship Manager

Congratulations to Brooke Agee on her promotion to Mentorship Manager!

Brooke Agee joined AMP at the beginning of June 2023. She hit the ground running and onboarded quickly, completing her 8 GSV sales and securing her 10 GSV bonus. Brooke ended the June sales month with $10,980 in total sales, serving 10 GSV customers. She had big goals for herself, so for the August selling month, Brooke decided to go even bigger and achieved $11,959 in total revenue with 2 new OPTIMA™ customers and 8 GSVs. Brooke constantly challenges herself, understands the importance of consistency, and is now sharing that knowledge with other reps on our team.

Prior to joining AMP, Brooke had a very successful career in the wine industry. It was initially a hobby for her, but then became a career. She made many great connections over the years and has been blessed to continue those partnerships and build new ones with our AMP solutions. Brooke is originally from Madison, VA, and moved to the greater Charlottesville area with her mother, Launi, and daughter, Harper, to their 22-acre farm cottage. These “Two and a Half” women have 5 horses, 2 miniature donkeys, 12 chickens, 5 cats, and 4 dogs and wouldn’t change it for the world! Her favorite hobbies include spending time with her daughter, Harper, working with her horses, and participating in the theater community. She is also part of the board of Persimmon Tree Players.

Another fun fact about Brooke is that she graduated from Sweet Briar College in 2009 with a BA in German. And yes, she is fluent! Brooke lived in Germany for a year with a host family and fully experienced their culture.

We are thrilled to promote Brooke to this role, knowing she will go above and beyond in helping her teammates. In her new capacity, Brooke will be training and developing her teammates throughout the Virginia District at least twice a month. Brooke is a student of the game and truly sells to help the business owners in the communities she is in. She is an amazing addition to Team Virginia, and we have the utmost confidence that she will help her team succeed in this new training role.

Congratulations, Brooke on this well-deserved promotion!

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American Marketing & Publishing