It’s an amazing feeling every 12 months to look back on a year of relentless growth and improvement at AMP, and then, in our Annual Company Meeting, to celebrate some of those outsized individual accomplishments and the big team wins that over time start to create a great company.
2024 will stand out as a year where we put down the foundations for an exciting period of accelerated, transformative growth. We set all-time AMP records for Q1 sales; Q2 sales; Q3 sales, and Q4 sales. We drove the fourth year in a row of double digit growth in our core digital products… and on top of that, we did it the right way, with record-setting efficiency as measured by revenue per employee, an achievement that many growth companies would love to claim but cannot! Beyond our strong revenue growth, we became a better company in 2024 in every corner of the business. To me, it felt like 52 weeks in a row of being incrementally stronger in all areas. Every week we built on, evolved, and improved our solutions for hard-working small business owners. Every week, all year long, we made incremental and consistent improvements in our service and fulfillment infrastructure; and every week you could sort of feel the growing expertise and confidence of rising individuals at AMP. It was an awesome feeling at the Annual Meeting to click through the huge number of thoughtful, diligent, hard-won improvements we made in our business in 2024. That kind of progress becomes for us a down-payment on a great year ahead in 2025.
We did not have a perfect year in 2024 and we can be clear sighted about it. We are still off pace on our 80/40/20 Strategic Mission… but now picking up speed against those big objectives. In December we broke our consecutive, 53-month streak of year-over-year monthly increases by coming up about half a percentage point short of December sales last year. That was an odd month, with both Thanksgiving and Christmas falling into the sales month of December, but no more excuses, and we all own it! Good teams bounce back, and bounce back higher. With January now closed, we have the best answer to our no-growth December: 28% growth in total January sales over January last year. Great work! We have the capacity to repeat what we’ve done this month every month in 2025.
What’s in front of us this year is a period of huge opportunity. We’re serving our customers exceptionally well. We are uniquely positioned with a proprietary tech platform and a full service agency model to grow more aggressively than we ever have before, into a nearly uncontested marketplace of single-location, family-owned businesses. We now have the deepest and most practical internally promoted leadership team we’ve ever had, and we’re adding to it. Each of us have the opportunity to drive critically important results for hard working business owners and become a total game changer in the trajectory of their businesses and personal livelihoods. By embracing change and pushing hard, we also each personally have the opportunity to write our own transformative story of career, earnings, and personal growth.
I welcome the big opportunities and achievable challenges ahead of us in the next 12 months. We’re building something uniquely good in the business world, and creating a growing opportunity to do well for ourselves in that pursuit. We’re off to an awesome start in 2025. Let’s accelerate it!